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myAfrica is a part of, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. We are building what will become the most comprehensive and easilty searchable database of African tastes, sights, places and more.

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Somali meals are meat driven, vegetarianism is relatively rare). Goat, beef, lamb and sometimes chicken is fried in ghee, or...
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Saute beef with onions until meat is brown. (If beef is very lean, you may...
Brown meat over moderate heat. Set aside. In a separate large skillet, gently fry onions in oil just until golden...
Combine beef, potatoes and carrots in a large bowl. In another bowl, sift together the flour, sugar, salt, curry powder,...
Combine all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Stir to mix well and refrigerate at least 8 hours or...
In a large, heavy pot, brown the meat in heated oil. Add onion slices, and stir for several minutes, then...
Using a fairly large pot, brown the meat in moderately hot oil. Add, one at a time-- stirring for a...
This is quite a popular dish in West Africa.
The lamb stewcan be made with different cuts of lambs-- neck, breat, shoulder-- as the bonesand cartillage give more flavor...
Soak leaves, if necessary; then line a baking pan with a layer of leaves. Meanwhile, cook the ricein boiling water...