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myAfrica is a part of, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. We are building what will become the most comprehensive and easilty searchable database of African tastes, sights, places and more.

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"Unusual" might be the word you'd choose to describe these tuna-filled turnovers after your first taste. But we predict that...
What could be better than the fragrant blending of coconut, citrus, cinnamon and cloves? You may substitute winter squash for...
Dissolve the salt in enough water to cover the banana pieces. Soak them in the salt water for 10-15 minutes...
The lamb stewcan be made with different cuts of lambs-- neck, breat, shoulder-- as the bonesand cartillage give more flavor...
Plantains cooked this way are a popular street food that are also good with nearly any meal.
Brown the onions in the moderately hot oil in a large, heavy skillet or stew pot. Add the vegetable, one...
Soak leaves, if necessary; then line a baking pan with a layer of leaves. Meanwhile, cook the ricein boiling water...
Note that the chickpeas need to be pre-cooked, or you may substitute canned ones.
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. In a heavy skillet, brown the lamb in hot oil. Add the okra, stirring quickly...
Pre-heat oven to 300 degrees. Combine all ingredients except lemon juice in a heavy baking dish. Cover foil or tight-fitting...