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john seikule ronalds

United States

I'm a repossessed car salesman from Cameroon. I've been working as a repossessed car dealer and at repo car auctions for the last 10 years in the US.

More by user: johnscars
Created: 23rd Nov 2011
Modified: 23rd Nov 2011
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Repo cars inc
repossessed cars salesman

Description of Work:

I sell bank repossessed cars for sale and government cars.

Biographical Information
john seikule ronalds
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Apr/18/1972
Gender: male
  City: coral gables
Website: http://www.prl...
Place of Origin: Cameroon

I'm a repossessed car salesman and amateur photographer from Cameroon. I've a lovely wife and 2 beautiful children. I've been working as a repossessed car dealer and at repo car auctions for the last 10 years in Florida, USA. If you want to know a bit more about what I do, here I leave you a few links for you to check : Bank ReposseSsed cars for sale info - Repossessed car aUCtions tips and news - government car auction latest news.


No publications so far

Other Accomplishments:

Best repossessed cars dealer of the month for 3 consecutive months ( June-August)


best repo cars dealer of the month

More People

United States
Soccer, Cameroon
United States
Soccer, France, Cameroon
United States, Foreign Service/Diplomacy