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Carol Cross

I am actively involved in sustainable tourism, agriculture, forestry, mining and oil and gas development in Africa and Latin America

More by user: sagwtrees
Created: 16th Aug 2010
Modified: 16th Aug 2010
Professional Information
Strategic Resources Funding Group, Inc.
Vice President
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
I am vice president to Strategic Resources Funding Groups, inc, a US corporation headed by a Ghanaian which is focused on tapping the treasure trove of African natural resources including minerals, timber, oil and gas as well as world class soccer players
Biographical Information
Carol Cross
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Jul/14/1939
Gender: female
  214 Deeper Green Road
  City: Monticello, Arkansas 71655
Tel: 305-989-4516
Website: http://www.sat...
Place of Origin: United States
I am an expert on the production of kenaf, an African plant now in demand worldwide for paper making, producing building materials and many products from biocomposites. I would like to support Africans who want to grow this plant and who would like to produce kenaf for me on a buy back arrangement for the seeds. in addition, I am involved in developing sustainable logging in Africa through the use of Cut to Length forestry equipment and consultancy. I am the author of the Leucaena Production Handbook designed to help those who want to grow fast growing nitrogen fixing trees for carbon sequestration, fuelwood and energy generation. I support as a consultant communities who wish to develop natural resources through my Soccer for Ethnic Peace project where I supply soccer gear to communities willing to develop multiethnic soccer teams.Feel free to contact me at
The Leucaena Production Handbook Diversity Communication in the Global Workforce Kenaf Production Handbook Leucaena - the Multiplier Tree Dendroenergetics
One of the pioneers of Kenaf since 1995
Other Accomplishments:
Earned doctorate in Biology Founder of Soccer for Ethnic Peace program Owner of soccer team in Honduras

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United Kingdom, United States, NGOs
United States
United States, Social Sciences, Africa
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