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Recent News Makers

Government, South Africa, ...

A high court has dismissed an urgent application by opposition parties to force parliament to debate a motion of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma before going into end of year recess.

In a historic move for the Anglican church, Bishop Ellinah Wamukoya has been ordained as the first female Anglican bishop in Africa.

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Retire Aircraft Engineer, Avionics. Now writer and photographer
I'm a repossessed car salesman from Cameroon. I've been working as a repossessed car dealer and at repo car auctions...
JUDE CHUKUDI CHIOBI (B.Sc. Psychology, NAU, Awka)is currently the Acting President of Nigeria Lorry Drivers' Association (NILODA). He was the...
Hardworking and responsible
My husband and I sponsor 2 families in Africa and am here to educate ourselves so we can have a...