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Ambassador Dr. Badal Kariye

Ambassador Dr. Badal Kariye is the Internationally Renowned Somali American Writer of 21 Books, Journalist, Security Expert, Adventurous Traveler and Diplomat.

More by user: BadalKariye
Created: 2nd Dec 2012
Modified: 2nd Dec 2012
Professional Information

Biographical Information

Meet the First Muslim Candidate to the Post of the Next Secretary-General of the United Nations in 2016

Curriculum Vitae
Place of the Birth: The Democratic Republic of Somalia
Original Nationality: Somalia
Current Nationality: The United States of America (USA)
Address: Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA

10/07/2012: E-Government Interoperability Course, the United Nations Public Administration Network
10/07/2012: Knowledge Management in Government Organization Course, the United Nations Public Administration Network
10/06/2012: Strategies and Methodologies for E-Government Course, the United Nations Public Administration Network
10/06/2012: Infrastructure for E-Government Development Course, the United Nations Public Administration Network
10/06/2012: Principles of E-Government Course, the United Nations Public Administration Network
12/18/2011: Certificate in Risk Communication: Public Engagement in Public Health Practice, University of Minnesota
12/18/2011: Certificate in Environmental Justice: Equal Hazards, Unequal Risks Center for Public
12/13/2011: Certificate in National Incident Management Systems and The Incident Command System, Center for Public Health, School of Public Health University of Minnesota
12/13/2011: Certificate in Our Food Systems from International Attack, Center for Public Health, School of Public Health University of Minnesota
12/12/2011: Certificate in Disease Surveillance (Public Health Emergency Training Series). Center for Public Health, School of Public Health University of Minnesota
12/12/2011: Certificate in Special Populations (Public Health Emergency Training Series). Center for Public Health, School of Public Health University of Minnesota
12/12/2011: Certificate in Isolation and Quarantine (Public Health Emergency Training Series). Center
10/30/2011: Certificate in Contact Investigation (Public Health Emergency Training Series), Center for Public Health, School of Public Health University of Minnesota
10/30/2011: Certificate in Culture and Health Literacy: Case Studies, Center for Public Health, School of Public Health University of Minnesota
10/30/2011: Certificate in Culture and Health Literacy: Beyond Access, Center for Public Health, School of Public Health University of Minnesota
10/23/2011: Certificate in Immigrants and Health Care – Myths and Facts Center for Public Health Education and Outreach University of Minnesota
10/23/2011: Certificate in Quality Improvement, Center for Public Health Education and Outreach University of Minnesota
10/20/2011: Certificate in Community Healthcare Disaster Planning in Minnesota, School of Public health, University of Minnesota
06/14/2011: CMH MODULE 1: EXPLORING MINNESOTA STATUTE 245.4874, Minnesota Department of Human
06/14/2011: CMH - Module 2: Facilitating Screening: Administering, Scoring and Giving Results, Minnesota Department of Human
06/14/2011: CMH Module 3: Documentation And Privacy, Minnesota Department of Human
05/06/2010: ARMHS INFORMATION SESSION FOR NEW APPLICANTS (DHS), Minnesota Department of Human
04/22/2010: CMH601 CLINICAL SUPPERVISION TRAINING, Minnesota Department of Human Services
04/15/2010: CMH208 OUTPATIENT MH SVCS DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT, Minnesota Department of Human Services
04/15/2010: Diagnostic Assessment Clinical Training, Minnesota Department of Human Services
MODULE 1: MEDICAID DOCUMENTATION OVERVIEW, Minnesota Department of Human Services
MODULE 2: TYPES OF MEDICAID FUNDING, Minnesota Department of Human Services
MODULE 3: THE NATURE OF MN MEDICAID REHAB SERVICES, Minnesota Department of Human Services
MODULE 6: SERVICE DELIVERY AND PROGRESS NOTES, Minnesota Department of Human Services
MODULE 7: SPECIAL TOPICS, Minnesota Department of Human Services
MODULE 8: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES, Minnesota Department of Human Services
04/11/2011: Functional Assessment in Mental Health Training for DBT (MH152), Minnesota Department of Human Services
04/01/2011: MH621 MODULE 1: MEDICAID DOCUMENTATION OVERVIEW, Minnesota Department of Human Services
04/01/2011: MH622 MODULE 2: TYPES OF MEDICAID FUNDING, Minnesota Department of Human Services
04/01/2011: MH623 MODULE 3: THE NATURE OF MN MEDICAID REHAB SERVICES, Minnesota Department of Human Services
04/01/2011: MH627 MODULE 7: SPECIAL TOPICS, Minnesota Department of Human Services
04/01/2011: MH628 MODULE 8: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES, Minnesota Department of Human Services
03/25/2011 Certificate PCA14462920110324 Minnesota Department Human Service
07/02/09-11/04/09: Certificate in Bloodborne Pathogen Standard Refresher Training, University of California, Los Angeles
07/02/09-11/04/09: Certificate in Safe Lifting/Back Injury Prevention, University of California, Los Angeles
07/02/09-11/04/09: Certificate in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Course, University of California, Los Angeles
03/2009 Certified in Studio News and Video Production, MTN USA
Certificate in Civil Military Relations, Inter-American Defense College, 2600 NW 16th Street Washington, D.C. 20441
02/14/2008- Certificate in Chemical Fume Hood
2006-2008: Doctor of Philosophy, (PhD) PHU
Specialization: Political Sociology
Thesis Title: The Political Sociology of Security, Politics, Economics & Diplomacy “Quicker Academic Path for Good Governance
2006-2007 Certificate in Conflict Analysis, United States Institute of Peace, District of Columbia USA
2006-2007: Certificate in National Security and Defense Strategy, Inter-American Defense College, 2600 NW 16th Street Washington, D.C. 20441
2006-2007: Certificate in Conflict Management and Negotiations Inter-American Defense College, 2600 NW 16th Street Washington, D.C. 20441
2007- Certificate in Protecting Human Research Subjects in Social and Behavioral Research, University of California, Los Angeles
2007- Certificate in Laboratory Safety Program University of California, Los Angeles
2007- Certificate in Cryogenic Nitrogen Safety Program University of California, Los Angeles
2007- Certificate in Fire Safety University of California, Los Angeles
2007- Certificate in Hazard Communication Program University of California, Los Angeles
2007- Certificate in Bruin Safety Program University of California, Los Angeles
2006- Certificate in HIPAA Privacy Rule Research Education Course University of California, Los Angeles
2005-2006: Master of Arts in Business Administration, PHU
2004-2006: Master of Arts in Diplomacy, Nairobi-Kenya
Specialization: International Economics, Security in Relations & Cyber Diplomacy
Thesis Title: Understanding International Affairs, Inter-Security Cooperation & Friendly E-Governance in Diplomacy.
2000-2004: A Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, PHU
2000-2004: A Bachelor of Arts in English & History, Nairobi Kenya
2006-2006 Certificate in Immigration Policy and Multicultural Services, International Organization for Migration Nairobi-Kenya
2005-2006: Diploma in International Law of Armed Conflicts, Swiss Federal Institute
1999-2001: Diploma in Business Administration and Information Technology Hanad Computer Training Institute Nairobi-Kenya
18/11/2012: I became officially the first American Muslim/Muslim person in the Islamic world who declared his candidacy to the Post of the Next Secretary-General of the United Nations since 1945.
At 3:36 AM On November 7, 2012: I officially applied for a Cabinet Job from our U.S. President his Excellency Barack Obama
08/08/2012-18/11/2012: I became the Spokesperson of the Republic of Somalia.  
09/11/2012-10/06/2012: Somali Prime Minister Candidate
04/14/2012-04/17: I officially declared to Run for the World Bank Presidency independently
10/15/2010: Re-declared Somali Presidential Candidate for 2012
09/21/2010-10/14/2010: Somalia’s Prime Minister Candidate
2010: The President, the Union of Somalia National Authors (USNA),
2009: Executive Director, African Community Integration, Counseling and Development (ACICD), Minneapolis, Minnesota
08/2009-02/2010: Aviation Security Expert Delta Global Service (DGS)
2009: Director of Somali Government ITC, Media Interactive, Monitoring & E-Government Evaluations
09/2008 Fall Professor at the CCE/OLLI University of Minnesota
2008: A Member of the Governing Council, Pebble Hills University
2007: The Director of Somali Foreign Service Institute, Mogadishu Somalia
2007-2008: Customer Services Consultant, Universal H. Health Care MPLS, Minnesota
2006: An Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Qaran (UOQ) in Mogadishu, Somalia
2005 Professor of Politics at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Qaran (UOQ) in Mogadishu, Somalia
2004-2006: Director of Institute of Linguistics, (UOQ) in Mogadishu, Somalia
2003-2004: Senior Political officer, and Special Adviser to the UNPOS Ambassador Winston A. Tubman at the Somali Peace & Reconciliation summit in Kenya
2003: Somali Ambassador at large in Great Lakes Region in Africa, and Served as Acting Director of the Somali Institute of Foreign Services
2003: IGAD Expert in Land & Property Rights Commission at the Peace Conference in Kenya working with Dr. Gunther Schlee who was German Expert in Land & Property Rights Commission at the Somali Peace and Reconciliation Summit in Eldoret, Kenya
2002- Director of the Office of the Somali Governmental Information Technology in Multilingual E-Governance & the Chef of the Somali NSS/Diplomatic Branch
2000-2002: A Professor, Atlas Institute, Nairobi-Kenya
2000: The Founder and the President of University of Qaran (UOQ)
2000:- Consultant, Somali Technology Services Mogadishu, Somalia
2000-2001: A Presidential Adviser and Designate Ambassador to Great Lakes Region in Africa
1998-1999: Social Caseworker and multilingual Interpreter Nairobi, Kenya

Soc 4090 - Topics in Sociology, International Law & Cultural Change
Soc 4101W - Sociology of Law
Soc 8390 - Topics in Political Sociology
Soc 4966 - Senior Projects
Soc 1001 - Introduction to Sociology
International Security, Defense Strategy and Counter-Terrorism Studies
African History, Art and Literature for Bantu and Cushitic Studies
African Relations
African Linguistics
The Principle of Islamic Journalism and Media Ethics
African Socio-economic Development
African Bilingual and Multilingualism
Social Ethics in Media and Journalistic Text
Social anthropology, global studies, International laws, business strategy, Conflict analysis, mediation, social integration in conflict areas, social ethics, comparative religion, Islamic studies, public diplomacy, pastoral conflicts in resources, African Diaspora Studies, linguistics, Islamic Religious Studies, E-interpretations, social cultures, Cultural Diplomacy, E-government interpretability and Successful Communication in IT Usage, African linguistics, Swahili Phonology, Syntax, morphology, writing Composition, Project Management & Planning
E-Political Science Course
Diplomatic Course on Diplomacy
E-Law Course
E-Course for Environment
E-Course Anti-Terrorism
Institute for Emerging Ethics and Technologies
University of California, Los Angles
United States Institute of Peace
United States S.S.
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
United Nations Public Administration Network
African Training & Research Center in Administration for Development
Swiss Federal Institute (ISN)
Hanad Computer Training Institute
Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Center for Security Studies, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
E-map Network for Educational Planning and Management UNESCO
Minnesota DFL Party Convention Delegate on June 2nd , and 3rd 2012 at Rochester Civic Center in Minnesota
Educating About Equity & Diversity: Facilitating Challenging Conversations Sponsored by: Office for Equity and Diversity, UMN May 2, 2012
Microsoft VHD Server R2 April 23, 2012 Edina Microsoft Center MN
Open Government Partnership Meeting in Brasilia, April 17-18, 2012
Helping Forests Thrive in the Face of Global Change, R380-IonE Seminar Room Vocational -Technical Education, Learning and Environmental Sciences Institute University of Minnesota on 19th of October, 2011
GSPP in Inaugural Colloquium: Gender, Sexuality, Power, and Politics Series, GWSS University of Minnesota on 14th of October, 2011
Acquisition Integration: A Knowledge Based Perspective, MIS Research Center Seminar Series University of Minnesota on 14th of October, 2011
My Letter to the World: Narrating Human rights on 10th of October, 2011 Human Rights Program, University of Minnesota
Pan African Conference on 23rd, 24th, 25, & 26th 2011 at the Mankato State University
Minneapolis Youth Convention 14th of February, 2011
Pan African Conference 18th to 19th March, 2010 sponsored by the Government Kenya
African Union Conference for Somalia 2001
Inter-governmental Authority on Development Conference (IGAD) 2002-2003
Africa Youth Conference in Kenya 2000
1. Swahili-Somali Kamusi ISBN: 978-1-4276-4479-4 "First Bilingual and Plurilingual Dictionary." published on 23th of December, 2009 by Aardvark Global Publishing Inc. Registered in UNESCO ID NO. 186772 - Swahili/Soomaali Kamusi. Af-Sawaaxili/Af-Soomaali Qamuus. Kariye, Badal Salt Lake City, UT, Aardvark Global Publishing, 2009. 545 p. (Plurilingual; Somali, Swahili).
Main descriptors: Swahili, Somali, dictionaries
Secondary descriptors: African languages
CALL NO: D 496.354.493.5 SWA.
ISBN: 978-1-4276-4479-4
2. The Chopped Love in My Heart ISBN: 978-14276-4448-0 published in 2009 P201 by Salt Lake City, UT, Aardvark Global Publishing, USA.
3. The Genius Lover "We need Family," ISBN: 978-1-4490-8209-3 (sc) ISBN: 978-1-4490-8210-9 (e) published on February 24, 2010 by Author House, USA.
4. The Kaleidoscopic Lover "The Civil War in the Horn of Africa and My Itinerary for a Peace Lover" SBN: 9781452004631 (sc) on July 20, 2010 published by Author House, USA
5. The Political Sociology of Security, Politics, Economics & Diplomacy “Quicker Academic Path for Good Governance ISBN: 9781452085463 (sc) ISBN: 9781452085470 (e) on December 16, 2010 published by Author House, USA.
6. The Queen of Lovers "We need you," ISBN: 9781463415570 published on 1st of January, 2011 by Author House, USA.
7. The Nice Lover "My Interests for Better Future," ISBN: 9781468554199 (sc) on 17th of February, 2012 published by Author House, USA.
8. Ilayska Afafka Af-Soomaali-English, “A Teach yourself bilingual online course book,” published on May 5, 1997 by Dr. Badal W. Kariye.
9. Ilayska Afafka Af-Soomaali-Français, "A Teach yourself bilingual online course book," published on June 5, 1998 by Dr. Badal W. Kariye.
10. The Lost Lover: I Fed up With the Urbanized Lifestyle Then I Returned to the Countryside for A Wise Bride ISBN-10: 9781477278796/ISBN-13: 978-1477278796 published on 31st October, 2012 by Author House, USA
11. Learn Arabic-Soomaali Bilingual Online Course Book published on 15th of April, 1997 in Nairobi Kenya by Dr. Badal W. Kariye.
12. Learn English-Soomaali Bilingual Online Course Book published on September 5, in 1997, Nairobi Kenya by Dr. Badal W. Kariye.
13. Learn Français-Soomaali Bilingual Online Course Book published on October 15, in 1998, Nairobi Kenya by Dr. Baal W. Kariye.
14. Learn Somali Online Course Book published on February 20, in 1999, Nairobi Kenya by Dr. Badal W. Kariye.
15. Learn Norsk-Soomaali Bilingual Online Course Book published on June 25, in 1999, Nairobi Kenya by Dr. Badal W. Kariye.
16. Learn Swahili-Soomaali Bilingual Online Course Book published on June 25, in 1999, Nairobi Kenya by Dr. Badal W. Kariye
17. Learn Svenska-Soomaali Bilingual Online Course Book published on March 15, in 2000, Nairobi Kenya by Dr. Badal W. Karrie.
18. Learn Español-Soomaali Bilingual Online Course Book published on September 15, in 2001, Nairobi Kenya by Dr. Badal W. Kariye.
19. Learn Oramiffa-Soomaali Bilingual Online Course Book published on May15, in 2002, Nairobi Kenya by Dr. Badal W. Kariye.
20. Learn Italiano-Soomaali Bilingual Online Course Book published on June 12, in 2003, Nairobi Kenya by Dr. Badal W. Kariye.
21. The Nobel Prize “I am the Knowledge Contributor for Literature & Peace in the 21stCentury.”
Somalia is and will be under irregular hegemony if you do not unify now to revive national prestige and unity on 1st June, 2011 published in P14 Warsan Times Newspaper, MN USA.
New Night-dreaming Nations within the Democratic Republic of Somalia on 1stJune, 2011 published in P7 Somali Times Newspaper, Mogadishu, Somalia.
Somalia is under constant crisis of geopolitical interests locally, regionally and internationally “Part I” on 1st April, 2011 published in P14 Warsan Times Newspaper, MN USA.
Somalia is under constant crisis of geopolitical interests locally, regionally and internationally “Part II” on 1st of May, 2011 published in P14 Warsan Times Newspaper, MN USA.
Africa will be under New Imperialism on 1st of January, 2011 published in P14 Warsan Times Newspaper, MN USA.

Education is our key to National, Regional & Global Development on 16thof November, 2010 published in P14 Warsan Times Newspaper, MN USA.
Cyber Security for Somalia on 1st of October, 2010 published in P14 Warsan Times Newspaper, MN USA.
Ending of Mental Slavery on 1st of September, 2010 published in P14 Warsan Times Newspaper, MN USA.
Somalia is a Little Paradise on Worldly Hell in the 21st Century On 16th of August 2010, published in P14 Warsan Times Newspaper, MN USA.

The Challenges We face in the 21st Century, 2000
English-Somali Teach yourself book, 2006
E-Governmental Contracts & Data Systems Recovery, 2005
Deutsch-Af-Soomaali, 2004
Somali-Arabic, 2004
French-English, 2003
Swahili-Af-Soomaali, 2003
French-Af-Soomaali, 2001
Italian-Af-Soomaali, 2000
2011: Internet Society Global Member
2008: Council of Social Work Education USA
2008 National Council Teachers of English (NCTE) USA
2004: Center for Strategic Studies & Research (CSIS) USA
2007: American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) USA
2000: Founder of Somali Center for Rural Studies & Research
2000: UNESCO
2000: Amnesty International
Radio France International
BBC World Service Swahili Section
BBC World Service Somali Section
BBC Swahili Service
Al-Jazeera English Channel
VOA News
Radio Mogadishu
Serving as voluntary coordinator for special festivals, occasions, teaching cultural adjustment, Medical interpretations, neighborhood security in community policing and encouraging people to understanding basic needs and other services available to them at local governmental offices
Ongoing Publications
• E-Multilingual Capability & Communicative Methods in Governmental ITS 2008
• Using & Implementing Preventive Diplomacy in National Crisis 2008
• Editing Swahili Phonology and E-Swahili Dictionary 2008
Good Governance in Policy Analysis and Administrative Cooperation March, 2007
African Internal Conflicts, Prevention & Hostility Mediation April, 2006
African Political Thought in Good Manner May, 2006
Cyber Diplomacy in National Security Safety and Mass Media Limitation June, 2005
Public Diplomacy in Electoral Voting 1st of July, 2005
Religious Diplomacy and Co-existence in the 21st Century May 2005
World Trade and Commodity Exchange in free market September, 2005
Democracy in Dictatorial Regimes and How Replace Peacefully December, 2005
International relations in Covert Operations for Natural Resources January, 2004
Preventive Diplomacy, Conflict Analysis and Mediation June, 2004
Post Conflict Recovery & Disorder Cure December, 2004
Good Governance in Military Regimes and Public Information Networking for Democratic Change May, 2004
IDPs need Assessment, Disaster Preparedness and Assistance Program in Dangerous Zones where you can not dare August, 2003
Human Rights advocacy, Information planning, sharing and Networking IGAD, Somali Peace Conference October, 2002
Multicultural Experiences and Countries worked or traveled in these following countries
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, South Africa, Belgium, DRC, Libya, Rwanda, Burundi, German, Italy, USA etc.
1. Somali National Literature Award on August 7, 2012, the Union of the Somali National Authors (USNA).
2. Mogadishu: August 22, 2012 H.E. President Sheikh Sheikh Ahmed awarded the Somali Highest Civilian Medal for Public Service to MP. Ambassador Dr. Badal W. Kariye who has been serving as the Director of the Somali Office of Governmental Information Technology in Multilingual E-Governance, the Head of Public Services and Spokesperson of the Somali Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation.
3.  Award from University of Minnesota/OLLI Course Leader Lunch on May 20, 2009.
4. The Highest National Medal of Public Service in the Republic of Somalia 2005 is awarded by His Excellency President Abdullaahi Yusuf Ahmed.
5. UNPOS Medal of Youth Advocacy & Development 2003.
6. A Comparative Religious and Friendly Interfaith Co-existence Award, Eastliegh Mennonite Community Center, Mennonite Eastern Africa 2003.
I like to write developmental research, teaching and learning as well as swimming.

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