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Parc National de la Comoë
Parc National de la Comoë

More by user: esmith
Created: 23rd Jul 2008
Modified: 24th Jul 2008
Cote d'Ivoire
Côte d'Ivoire's biggest and best-known national park has plenty of wildlife, including lions, elephants, hippos, many species of monkeys and antelopes, and abundant birdlife. It's been inaccessible since the civil war began; in times of peace you can visit but visitors need a vehicle.
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*****Please keep in mind that travel in Cote D'Ivoire is still very dangerous at this time and not recommended except for anyone who lacks experience in the region. Anyone going to the country should exerciser extreme caution and consult the US State Department site on the Cote D'Ivoire before leaving for up to date information on the situation therein. *****

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