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myAfrica is a part of, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. People listings on myAfrica are a comprehensive directory of Africans and Africa-engaged people. Use this resource to find people by any criteria.

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1391 to 1400 of 1511

Aim? C?saire was a Martinican poet, humanist and political figure who co-founded the movement of Negritude, along with fellow Martinican...
Tatamkhulu Ismail Afrika?s life was a fugue of intertwining identities. He was,a novelist, a soldier, a prisoner of war, a...
Albert John Lutuli ou Luthuli, "Mvumbi" en zoulou, (1898, 21 juillet, 1967) ?tait un homme politique noir d'Afrique du Sud,...
Govan Archibald Mvuyelwa Mbeki (9 July 1910 - 30 August 2001) was a South African politician, and father of Thabo...
Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe (n? le 5 d?cembre 1924 - d?c?d? le 27 f?vrier 1978) ?tait un homme politique d'Afrique du...
Joe Slovo (May 23, 1926 ? January 6, 1995) was a South African Communist politician and long time leader of...
Martin Thembisile (Chris) Hani was born on 28 June 1942 in a small rural town, Comfimvaba, in Transkei, approximately 200...
Severo Moto Ns? born November 6, 1943 in Equatorial Guinea is the most notable opposition politician in Equatorial Guinea, and...
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela est peut ?tre "la maman nationale" de l'Afrique du Sud. Ancienne ?pouse du pr?sident Nelson Mandela, elle reste...
Asha-Rose Mtengeti Migiro born July 9, 1956 in Songea, Ruvuma Region, Tanzania, is a Tanzanian lawyer and politician. On January...