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myAfrica is a part of, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. People listings on myAfrica are a comprehensive directory of Africans and Africa-engaged people. Use this resource to find people by any criteria.

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1421 to 1430 of 1511

Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow (born 1921), Senegalese educator. M'bow was also the director-general of UNESCO. He called the Commission over the Problems...
Amadou Hamp?t? B? est un ?crivain et ethnologue malien n? ? Bandiagara (Mali) en en javier 1900 (ou 1901) et...
Le g?n?ral Seyni Kountch?, de l'ethnie Djerma a ?t? le pr?sident de la R?publique du Niger de 1974 ? 1987.Il...
Abdoulaye Wade is the third and current President of Senegal. Wade assumed office in April of 2000. Wade ran for...
Since learning his trade in Papa Wemba's Viva La Musica Koffi Olomide has combined a distinctive, smoochy style of singing...
Jerry John Rawlings was twice the head of state of Ghana and was the 1st President of the Fourth Republic...
Prime Minister of Mauritania since 2007
The recipient of Gabon's "Prix d'excellence" at the Africa Music awards, honoring his body of work. He also serves as...
Renown Malian filmaker of such movies as Genesis and Guimba the Tyrant
Born in Cameroon in 1967, the singer, multi-instrumentalist and bass-player Richard Bona is very much in demand as a player...