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Beti Olive Kamya


Ms. Kamya serves as Rubaga North MP on the Forum for Democratic Change ticket. She will be a candidate in the 2011 presidential elections for the Uganda Federal Alliance.

More by user: avanwyk
Created: 12th Jan 2011
Modified: 25th Jan 2011
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Forum for Democratic Change
Member of Parliament
Working primarily in:

Biographical Information
Beti Olive Kamya
(At a Glance)
Gender: female
Place of Origin: Uganda

A Corporate Manager and Marketer by profession, Ms. Kamya is currently serving as Rubaga North MP on the Forum for Democratic Change ticket. Kamya broke ties with FDC and its leader Besigye and formed her own party, which at first she claimed was a pressure group to fight for a federal system of government.

She believes there is need for a system designed for Uganda, by Ugandans, for Ugandans in the best interest of all Ugandans, with her key focus being to move from the current unitary system of governance to a federal system of government.

Professional Experience:

Ms. Kamya 20 years' experience in corporate management and professional marketing with a proven track record as a results-oriented manager.

During the last four years of her employment (2000/ 2004), as Executive Director of the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre (Entebbe Zoo) , armed with no previous experience in Zoo doubled , revenue more than doubled, and image of the Zoo greatly improved from that of a little-known, old,run down zoo with starving animals and unmotivated staff, to that of a well-known wildlife park of international recognition, which secured and satisfactorily managed a US$ 4.2 M grant from the USAID and the World Bank, and boasting of a highly motivated staff.

Resulting from her background and a mother, Ms. Kamya has committed herself to helping the underprivileged children in the rural community by providing financial support to assist them with school fees and educational materials.

Ms. Kamya is a firm believer in education, first as a human right and as key factor in solving the many challenges affecting Uganda and the African continent as a whole. The President is an ardent proponent of policies that encourage education for all but with special emphasis on girl children.

As a woman, Ms. Kamya firmly believes that sustainable development can only be achieved if women, regardless of their position in society, are empowered with knowledge, skills and finances to sustain their lives. She believes women have a critical role to playing economic development processes of their countries because they too are able and capable of contributing meaningfully.

She serves on many boards and in many capacities on voluntary basis and a regular guest on radio and TV talk shows and columnist in the two local dailies on matters of political and civic interest.

She is a regular guest on radio and TV talk shows and columnist in the two local dailies on matters of political and civic interest and her special interest are reading, writing, environmental issues and betting.

Source: Uganda Picks

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