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James Nyondo


James Nyondo is an independent presidential candidate for Malawi's 2009 election.

More by user: vrainers
Created: 15th May 2009
Modified: 15th May 2009
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Biographical Information
James Nyondo
(At a Glance)
Place of Origin: Malawi

James Nyondo hails from Lilongwe were he says he grew up 'very poor'. He is a staunch christian and has said that "...rather than spending millions of kwachas on...huge projects we would rather spend money on empowering the people especially those in the age group of 18 to 40s because these people have ideas to push this country forward. My government will have the conscious for the poor," he puts forward one of his ideas which he said would be put in motion once he is voted into power.

Nyondo attended Dedza Secondary School after primary school at Lingazi then to Likuni where after completing his Malawi Schools Certificate of Education (MSCE) was selected to attend the University of Malawi’s Chancellor College, but dropped out in 1992. He says, “Although I dropped out of college I told myself to keep on working hard in whatever I do. My belief has always been to work hard and when things don’t work well don’t despair.”

In 2004 he was commissioned an Honorary Texan by the Texas State Governor and one of the American authors William J. Federer had dedicated one of his books Three Secular Reasons Why America Should be Under God to Nyondo “for his tireless effort as a builder of the nation of Malawi.”

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