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Other, Tanzania, ...
Joseph Sekiku is the director of heads the Family Alliance for Development and Co-operation (FADECO) community radio.
Education, Broadcast, ...
Founder of Life College, an education and youth development organization, Pillai is also a journalist and Motivational speaker.
Senegal, Other
Serigne Saliou Mback? was the fifth Caliph of the Mouride brotherhood and is generally accredited as growing the Sufi Islamic...
Senegal, Other
Th?odore-Adrien Sarr is Cardinal at the Archbishop of Dakar. Born in Fadiouth on November 28, 1936, Sarr has served the...
Senegal, Other
Cheikh Hassan Ciss? is the Imam for the Tijaniyya Islamic community based in Kaolack, Senegal and is a renown Islamic...
University, South Africa, Cameroon
Achille Mbembe is a one of the most prominent intellectuals on or off the African Continent focused on history and...
Media, World, United States
African-American journalist concentrating on Africa and its Diaspora through the transmissions of multi-media stories.
Administration, Mauritania
Prime Minister of Mauritania since 2007
Mali, Film
Renown Malian filmaker of such movies as Genesis and Guimba the Tyrant
Administration, Comoros
Former president of Anjoaun island of the Union of Comoros.