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Joseph Sekiku


Joseph Sekiku is the director of heads the Family Alliance for Development and Co-operation (FADECO) community radio.

More by user: wmarsh
Created: 29th May 2008
Modified: 3rd Jul 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Agriculture, Broadcast, Science and Technology, Other
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Biographical Information
Joseph Sekiku
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Website: http://www.fad...
Place of Origin: Tanzania

By educating small farmers about production chains and larger markets for their produce, Joseph gives them new opportunities to increase their profits and improve their livelihoods. He also equips them with the tools to take advantage of these opportunities, teaching them the basic entrepreneurial skills to turn surplus into quality products. These include use of new technologies such as fruit driers and processors that lengthen the shelf life of perishable farm products, enabling farmers to sell products when the market is good. Finally, Joseph opens access to new markets by linking farmers to Tanzanian and international markets through a partnership with Fellow Adrian Mukhebi’s Kenyan Agricultural Commodities Exchange.

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Africa, Tanzania
Government, United States, Tanzania
Tanzania, Education, Government