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Pat Pillai

South Africa

Founder of Life College, an education and youth development organization, Pillai is also a journalist and Motivational speaker.

More by user: wmarsh
Created: 29th May 2008
Modified: 3rd Jul 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Education, Broadcast, Other
Life College
Working primarily in:
South Africa

Biographical Information
Pat Pillai
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Website: http://www.lif...
Place of Origin: South Africa
Pat’s Life College is readying young people to tackle one of South Africa’s most recent struggles—liberation from the apathy, low self-esteem, and ongoing psycho-social oppression that are Apartheid’s legacy. Life College is an educational model, focused on emotional intelligence, which operates in conjunction with the mainstream school system to teach life skills. Developed over eight years, Pat’s model of education cultivates attitudes, behaviors, and competencies based on confidence, communication, project management skills, leadership, and entrepreneurship. Pat is currently spreading his five pilot programs in schools through a system in which each school district has one hub school overseeing operations in the district.

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