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Yvonne Chaka Chaka

Singer, UN special ambassador

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Created: 7th Feb 2008
Modified: 8th Jul 2008
Professional Information
Working primarily in:
South Africa

Description of Work:
South African singer Yvonne Machaka (dubbed the "Princess of Africa") was born in 1965. She was the first black child to appear on South African television in the apartheid era.

She is committed to eradicating illiteracy world-wide.

"Aside from being a performer and an entrepreneur, she is a world-class motivational speaker with a passion for the importance of supporting women in business and the development of women."

In 2005 Unicef appointed Yvonne as a Special Ambassador on Malaria in Eastern and Southern Africa.
Biographical Information
Yvonne Chaka Chaka
(At a Glance)
Place of Origin: South Africa
South African singer Yvonne Machaka (dubbed the "Princess of Africa") was born in 1965. She was the first "black" child to appear on South African television in the apartheid era.

She is committed to eradicating illiteracy world-wide.

"Aside from being a performer and an entrepreneur, she is a world-class motivational speaker with a passion for the importance of supporting women in business and the development of women."

In 2005 Unicef appointed Yvonne as a Special Ambassador on Malaria in Eastern and Southern Africa.

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Soccer, South Africa
South Africa, Soccer
Soccer, South Africa
South Africa, Government
Soccer, South Africa