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Membathisi Mphumzi Shepherd Mdladlana

South Africa

Minister of Labour

More by user: aismail
Created: 14th May 2009
Modified: 14th May 2009
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Government of South Africa
Minister of Labour
Working primarily in:
South Africa

Biographical Information
Membathisi Mphumzi Shepherd Mdladlana
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: May/12/1952
Gender: male
Place of Origin: South Africa

Current Positions

    * Minister of Labour of the Republic of South Africa since July 1998.
    * Elder and Session Clerk of the Gugulethu Presbyterian Church (since 1980).
    * Deputy Chairperson of the Parliamentary Scout Union of South Africa (since 1996).

Academic Qualifications

    * Primary Teachers Course, Lovedale, Alice (1970 - 1971).
    * Primary Teachers Diploma, Goodhope College,Cape Town (1991 - 1993).
    * BA Degree Majoring in Education and Xhosa, Unisa (1997).

Career/Positions/Memberships/Other Activities

    * Teacher at Vukukhanye Primary School, Gugulethu, Cape Town (1972 - 1981).
    * Assisted the Area Commissioner of the Boy's Scout Association of South Africa with training (1977 - 1982).
    * Regional Organiser of the South Western African Teachers Association (SWATA) that later became Peninsula African Teachers Association (PENATA) (1980 - 1983).
    * Deputy Secretary of Cape African Teachers Union (CATU) (1984 - 1985)
    * Principal, Andile Primary School, New Crossroads, Cape Town (1982 - 1994).
    * Founding member and Chairperson of the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) from 1985 - 1990.
    * Vice-Chairperson of the Dorothy Zihlangu Branch of the African National Congress (ANC) in Gugulethu (1990 - 1992).
    * Founding member and first president of South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) (1990 - 1994).
    * Chairperson of the Peninsula Region of the ANC (1998).
    * Member of the National Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Education (1994 - 1998).
    * Chairperson of the Constitutional Assembly Committee (Theme Committee Four) (1994 - 1996).
    * Member of the Home Affairs Portfolio Committee (1994 - 1998).
    * Whip of the Parliamentary Programming Committee (1995 - 1998).
    * Western Cape Secretary (African Group Division).
    * Disctrict Commissioner.

Source: Ministry of Labour

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