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Cape Verde : Pastel con diablo diento
More by user: manny1104
Created: 18th Nov 2012
Modified: 18th Nov 2012
Tereza DeBarros
35-45 minutes

My mother Tereza would make these all the time for our family. She was taught as a child in Cape Verde to prepare this treat by her mother Maria Viera and they hold a special place in my heart. The prep method is similar to the recipe for the version described above but the recipe called for the addition of two beaten eggs for every 16 ounces of tuna and the dough was rolled very thin , cut into 3-1/2 x 3-1/2 squares and folded into a triangle with the edges pressed together with a fork to seal the pastel prior to deep frying to golden brown.

exactly as the version it is named after but for the addition of 2 beaten eggs for each 16 ounces of tuna.

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