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Taoufiq Hazeb a.k.a.Bigg, Alkhaser


Moroccan rap artist, also known as "Bigg" and "Alkhaser."

More by user: klucy
Created: 24th Jul 2008
Modified: 24th Jul 2008
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His fascination with American hip-hop artists has lead Hassan to create his own music and style, performing in Moroccan Arabic (called darjia).

At age 16, Hassan had his first stage gig in Casablanca and has taken on numerous names and joined many groups since then, including: Mafia C, The Done, Cash Money and X-Side.

Biographical Information
Taoufiq Hazeb a.k.a.Bigg, Alkhaser
(At a Glance)
Place of Origin: Morocco
Hassan, better known as the Moroccan rapper "Bigg," was born into a middle-class famiy in Casablanca.

He is a third-year law student at Hassan II University.

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