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United States : Hands On The World Global Inc.

Mission Statement
HOW Global works with the UN Millennium goals with the mission of taking action to end poverty in rural areas of the world where children to do have the basic needs of life. We focus on organizating water wells, food gardens and community health. Using schools, clinics and orphanages as our extention centers.....we connect are named Green Hubs with colleges,highschools,organizations and companies that wish to focus on environmental awareness that will make a difference in the worlds. We mentor youth along our journey. Our founder Rachael Paulson has been endorsed by the UN Millennium Goal Campaign.

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HeadQuarters: 4 schindler drive sparta NJ
Organization Contacts
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Organization Details
So far, we have organized water wells in 8 rural villages in KwaZulu-Natal South Africa. Working to plan one Green Hub of extention per district in 11 provinces, we strive to teach the people of the villages how to have a voice and expand our simple projects. Our work is not charity but instead it is coming into partnership with the most motivated leaders in these forgotten areas. As they complete tasks assigned to them to better their lives, they join the list of those wanting to be benchmarked as a special model to others. Socil marketing has cause this project to have rural leaders standing in line to do what ever needed to become a hub that will focus on clean water and sustainable methods of living. We also set up areas that are so safe and inviting that we take volunteers and interns to these properites once they are certified.

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