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myAfrica is a part of, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. People listings on myAfrica are a comprehensive directory of Africans and Africa-engaged people. Use this resource to find people by any criteria.

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Josina Machel (Muthemba), born 10 August 1945 and died 7 April 1971, was a Mozambican political exile and first wife...
M?rio Esteves Coluna (born August 6, 1935 at Inhaca, Portuguese East Africa) is a former Portuguese and Mozambican footballer. His...
Joseph Sekiku is the director of heads the Family Alliance for Development and Co-operation (FADECO) community radio.
Mbaye (Babacar) Dieye Faye is a singer and percussionist from Senegal.
Founder of Life College, an education and youth development organization, Pillai is also a journalist and Motivational speaker.
Sinik, de son vrai nom Thomas G?rard Idir, n? le 27 juin 1980 ? Paris, est un rappeur franco-alg?rien.
Chuck E. Yust is the Media and Technology Board Member for Generation for Change and Growth.
AbdulKadir Khalif is Chairman of Generation For Change and Growth.
Nadifa Osman is the Vice Chair for Generation for Change and Growth.
Mazisi Kunene n? en 1930 ? Durban et d?ced? en 2006, est un homme ? la fois po?te et politique.