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Christopher Swen


I am Christopher C. Swen, I am a Liberian and I work as an IT Technician for the Insurance Company Of Africa 6th Street, Sinkor, Liberia.

More by user: chris_swen
Created: 21st Nov 2011
Modified: 3rd Apr 2012
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Computer Science
Insurance Company Of Africa
IT Technician
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:



1. Assist in the preparation of the Computerized ID cards.

2. Assist in the preparation of agents’ commissions.

3. Assist other Departments that may have it or Information Technology (IT) related problems.

4. Monitor and Manage the entire Network.

5. Perform other tasks that management may deem necessary.




Biographical Information
Christopher Swen
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
  6th Street, Sinkor
  P.O. Box 1934
  City: Monrovia
Tel: 2316918054
Website: http://www.ica...
Place of Origin: Liberia



I am Christopher C. Swen, I am a Liberian and I work as an IT Technician for the Insurance Company Of Africa 6th Street, Sinkor, Liberia.

I graduated from the St. Edward Catholic High School, the Regional Institute of e-learning and Information Technology (RIELIT) and currently I am a Student at the United Methodist University, Majoring Information Technology and Minor Accounting. 

I have been in this field since 2007 and I have worked as a Trainer at the Trinity Computer Solutions and The Salvation Army School System. 



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Social Sciences, Liberia