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Mima Nedelcovych


Executive Vice President of Buchanan Renewable Energies and Partner of Schaffer Global Group

More by user: B4nafter
Created: 1st Dec 2008
Modified: 1st Dec 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Renewable Energy
EVP, Strategic Planning gOVT RELATIONS
Working primarily in:

Biographical Information
Mima Nedelcovych
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: //
Gender: male
Website: http://www.buc...
Place of Origin: Africa

Buchanan plans to construct a 35-megawatt power generation plant near Kakata in Margibi County. The power plant will be fueled with wood chips from Liberian rubber trees that are beyond their useful life and must be removed to make way for new and productive rubber trees. The electricity provided from the renewable sources will be sold at a much lower price than current electricity prices, and will be transmitted to the Liberia Electricity Corporation’s grid by the end of 2010. Because the plant will be fueled by end-of-life rubber trees that Buchanan will be replacing on a two for one basis, the project has a carbon neutral footprint.

In addition to over 650 Liberians currently employed in Liberia by other subsidiary companies of Buchanan Renewables, B.V., the power company will employ an additional 100 Liberians when the plant is completed. According to Stan Ridley, President of Buchanan’s power company ,‘This project will generate thousands of additional associated jobs because of the economic activity resulting from the construction of the plant, the rejuvenation of the rubber industry, and the availability of clean, reasonably priced, reliable electricity”.

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Experts in Renewable Energy to Speak on "Renewable Energy: Converting Bio-Mass and Agri-Fuels" Workshop Panel at 2007 U.S.-Africa Business Summit, November 15 in Cape Town, South Africa

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