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Leon Kukkuk


More by user: leonkukkuk
Created: 6th May 2010
Modified: 3rd Jul 2010
Professional Information

Description of Work:

Published author. Consultancies and commisions in programme management, advocacy, research, policy analysis and outreach. Strong academic and professional international development background as well as journalistic experience. Previous experience includes community development, small business development and social responsibility, as well as economic and social policy, peacebuilding and conflict resolution. Expertise include policy analysis, social science research, writing and editing; conducting advocacy work.

Biographical Information
Leon Kukkuk
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Website: http://www.aut...
Place of Origin: South Africa

Author, Researcher, Development specialist. Experience in conflict and post conflict societies in Africa. Research interests include complex democracy and governance transition assessment, trade and development reform, consolidating of democratic institutions and democratic/economic governance, judicial and rule-of-law reform, ethics and anti-corruption and money laundering.


Book: Currently researching a biography on the Angolan Minister of Defence to highlight the role of the security sector in Africa in nation building and identity politics.

Book: “Letters to Gabriella:  Angola’s Last War for Peace: What the UN did and Why” (Florida Literary Foundation) Released June 2005

Book:  “A Bottle, A Corpse” Contributed an essay to In Our Own Words: A Generation Defining Itself - Volume 6” (MW Enterprises) Released 01 November 2005

Article: “Where is the UN Winning?  OpinionEditorials, Frontiers of Freedom; Eye on the UN; Essential Politics 17 January 2006

Article: “The Ultimate Insult – Development, the UN, Assorted Hangers-on and the Dilemma of Dominance” Independent Media 06 February 2006

Article: “Why They Hate Us” Independent Media 16 March 2006

Article: UNDP: Rose Tint my World.” OpenDemocracy 01 October 2007

Article: “Is the noose finally tightening?” Subcommittee on Financial Management, Government Information & International Security (US Congress) 07 October 2007 (Also provided testimony to this Subcommittee)

Article: “Bitter and Twisted Old Men” 01 December 2007

Article: “Can United States clean up the UN alone?” 06 January 2008

Article: Mark Malloch Brown joins UNDP propaganda and spin machine! (Originally: Really, Really Small Science (propaganda in other words)) 11 March 2008

Article: Book Review: Rebels and Robbers: Violence in Post-Colonial Angola and History Making and Present Day Politics: The Meaning of Collective Memory in South Africa West Africa Review March 2009

Article: EA’s unholy nexus: Diamonds, guns and money-laundering East African 08 February 2010

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South Africa, Government
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