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Usutuaije Maamberua


Usutuaije Maamberua is leader of South West Africa National Union (SWANU).

More by user: aismail
Created: 25th Nov 2009
Modified: 25th Nov 2009
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
South West Africa National Union (SWANU).
Working primarily in:

Biographical Information
Usutuaije Maamberua
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Namibia

Mr Maamberua has been a senior lecturer  in the department of accounting at the   University  of  Namibia   since 2003. For more than seven years Usutuaije Maamberua served as a Permanent Secretary under the Ministry of Finance where, he was responsible for providing organization and leadership; ensuring that all disbursements are made within budgetary allocations; initiating policy formulation and overseeing policy implementation and review.

As Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, he  administered the following Acts of which he was required to be fully conversant with and be able to interpret: Tender Board Act; State Finance Act; Short-term and Long Term Insurance Acts; Income Tax Act; Customs & Excise Act; Public Service Act. Mr. Maamberua is currently working as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation at the University of Namibia .

Currently his teaching assignments include lecturing Auditing; International Public Sector Accounting Standards; and Business Research to the accounting students.  Mr. Maamberua served as a key member of several Government committees, which deal with matters ranging from restructuring of Government institutions, to negotiations with trade unions.

He also served on the Boards of many  parastatals and national institutions which include: Bank of Namibia, National Council on Higher Education; Team Leader of Unam Vision 2030 Economic Committee; Public Accountants and Auditors Board of Namibia, the Namibia Development Corporation, Namibia Water Corporation Ltd, Amalgamated Commercial Holdings Ltd, and Chairman of the Luderitz Waterfront Company and was a member of the University of Namibia’s Council and Senate.

In all these institutions, he was deeply involved in especially strategic activities, by providing insight and advice. In addition of the afore-mentioned, he carried international responsibilities. He was engaged in the renegotiations for a new Southern Africa Customs Union arrangement. He was the Alternate Governor of the World Bank and African Development Bank, and therefore carried out the duties assigned to a person in such a position.

He holds three Masters degrees in Accounting and Management Science; Business Administration and; Economic Law, this is in addition to various  diplomas and awards. He is a registered Ph.D candidate in Accounting at the Witwatersrand University in South Africa .

Usutuaije Maamberua, SWANU President, has been a member of the South West Africa National Union (SWANU) since 1977. Currently he is the President of SWANU since November 2007. He has held several positions in the SWANU including that of Secretary for  Eastern Europe  ( West Germany SWANU Brach); Chief Represetative in   Botswana   and Auditor the Party.


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