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Ohm Collins Chabane

South Africa

Minister in The Presidency (2) Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration.

More by user: aismail
Created: 12th May 2009
Modified: 12th May 2009
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Government of South Africa
Minister in The Presidency (2) Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration.
Working primarily in:
South Africa

Biographical Information
Ohm Collins Chabane
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Apr/15/1960
Gender: male
Place of Origin: South Africa

Current Positions

    * Minister in the Presidency of the Republic of South Africa responsible for performance monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the Presidency since 10 May 2009.
    * Member of Parliament since 06 May 2009.
    * Member of African National Congress (ANC) National Executive Committee (NEC).

Academic Qualifications

    * Higher National Diploma in Electrical Engineering from Technikon South Africa specializing in Heavy and Light Current.
    * Diploma in Management Arusha from Tanzania in the field of ESAMI.
    * Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance.

Career/Memberships/Positions/Other Activities

    * Member of the Executive Council in Public Works in the Limpopo Provincial Government in 1998.
    * Member of the Provincial Legislature in the Limpopo Provincial Legislature in 1997.
    * Member of Executive Council Economic Development, Environment and Tourism in Limpopo.
    * Member of the Executive Council Premier's Office in Limpopo Provincial Government (1997-1998).
    * Member of the Senate in 1997.
    * Member of Parliament of the National Assembly (1994-1997).
    * Provincial Secretary of the African National Congress in the Northern Province (1990-1998).
    * Administrator of the African National Congress in the Northern Transvaal Region in 1990.
    * Member of the Joint Committee on Defence and Intelligence in 1994.
    * Member of the Standing Committee on Finance, Minerals and Energy Affairs in 1994.
    * Member of the Constitutional & Management Commmittees in the Constitutional Assembly.

Source: GCIS

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