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Kaliza Karuretwa Ines

Ms. Kaliza Karuretwa Ines -- Commercial attaché, Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda (United States)

More by user: B4nafter
Created: 12th Dec 2008
Modified: 12th Dec 2008
Professional Information
Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda (United States)
Commercial attaché

Description of Work:

Kaliza Karuetwa is the trade counselor (commercial) at the Rwandan Embassy in Washington DC. Formerly, she worked in the Department of Social and Economic Development in the Office of the President. She also worked in the External Finance Department and Central Projects and External Finance Bureau at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning in Rwanda.

Biographical Information
Kaliza Karuretwa Ines
(At a Glance)
Gender: female
Place of Origin: Rwanda

Ms. Karuetwa has an LLM in Commercial and Corporate Law from The London School of Economics and Political Science where she focused on Law of Finance and Investment in Emerging Economies, Legal Aspects of International Finance, International Business Transactions: Substantive Law, and Human Rights in the Developing World. She has an LLB from the National University of Rwanda.

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World, Rwanda
Government, Rwanda
Government, Rwanda
Government, Rwanda
Rwanda, Government