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Joe McKee

United States

Joe McKee, head of research and Idea generation, Cause Investments .

More by user: B4nafter
Created: 10th Dec 2008
Modified: 10th Dec 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Financial Services
Cause Investments
head of research and Idea generation

Description of Work:

Joe McKee is an adventure capitalist who specializes in connecting conscientious investors with life-transforming business opportunities in Africa and other developing economies.

Joe is the Head of Research and Idea Generation for Cause Investments Micro-Credit Strategy. Joe currently works with entrepreneurs in Kenya, Zambia, South Africa, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Siberia, and the UAE. Prior to working with social entrepreneurs he worked for seven years as a Wall Street sell side analyst covering emerging technologies, and spent time working as an investigative reporter and columnist for technology-related trade magazines. In the 1990s, Joe co-founded an educational software company; part of that work included advising the US Departments of Labor and Education on accrediting secondary student-internships as well as writing a Harvard and Brown certified curriculum on teaching effective market research methods to business school students.

Biographical Information
Joe McKee
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: //
Gender: male
Place of Origin: United States

Joe McKee is an adventure capitalist who specializes in connecting conscientious investors with life-transforming business opportunities in Africa and other developing economies.

Joe attended Indiana University in Bloomington studying History and Communications and was keyed Phi Beta Kappa.

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