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Alfred Kirwa Yegp


Alfred Kirwa Yego will represent Kenya in the 2008 Olympic Games in the 800m race.

More by user: lingabire
Created: 4th Aug 2008
Modified: 4th Aug 2008
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Biographical Information
Alfred Kirwa Yegp
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Nov/21/1986
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Kenya
Alfred Kirwa Yego will compete in the half-mile in Beijing.  During the 2007 season he had a slow start coming in no higher than 5th place but was able to turn things around in his first victory of the season when he won the gold medal in the semifinal of the 800m at the World Championships in Osaka, Japan.

Yego is recently married to Irine Tirop.

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