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Mi is an innovative mobile devices brand established to focus on the growing needs of the mass market sector.

More by user: webmaster
Created: 10th Feb 2009
Modified: 10th Feb 2009
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Mi-Fone (BVI) Limited
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:

Mi is an innovative mobile devices brand established to focus on the growing needs of the mass market sector within emerging and frontier markets.

The Mi HQ is Hong Kong with regional offices in Dubai and authorised service centres in Nairobi, Mauritius, Accra and Lagos.

The team combines over 20 years of telecommunications experience in emerging markets such as Africa, Middle East and Asia."

Biographical Information
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Feb//
Gender: male
Website: http://www.mi-...
Place of Origin: Africa

Mi is an innovative mobile devices brand established to focus on the growing needs of the mass market sector within emerging and frontier markets.

The Mi HQ is Hong Kong with regional offices in Dubai and authorised service centres in Nairobi, Mauritius, Accra and Lagos. The team combines over 20 years of telecommunications experience in emerging markets such as Africa, Middle East and Asia."

The Mi Brand has in 11 months of being on the market managed to achieve close to 100.000 unit sales in Africa alone. The Mi brand is available in 10 African countries and Mi is doing active marketing in 5 countries.


The Current Mi product offering presents stylish and affordable phones for under $100 to the consumer. As a small player in the telecoms market Mi has the capacity to provide attractive options to the consumer such as the now available Mi-Obama phone as a memento to Kenyans / Africans. The Mi Obama phone is soon to be available on line for international sales.


Mi is a new player in the market and while its unique selling points are:


  • Style: No manufacturer produces BLING phones at the cost we do
  • Affordability: all products under $100
  • Reliability: All products have 12 month guarantee and only available through reputable nationwide outlets


It’s also good to know that:


·         No other telecoms brand has achieved what Mi has achieved in its first 9 months of operations.

·         50% of Mi shipments were to GSM Carriers ( unheard off for a new unknown brand )


Mi wishes to build strategic relationships with other youth focused websites. With the intention of building shared communities, we would like to offer users to our site the opportunity to WIN a Mi – Phone simply by registering with Mi @


We welcome banner exchange or creating direct web-link between your website and ours, or maybe a more detailed opportunity exists to create a skin or page exchange on each others website?

If you are willing to discuss this trade exchange opportunity and provide a unique offering to your digital community please contact our Central Marketing team on:;


Above is a copy of a Mi newsletter to give you an indication of the brand look and feel + energy. Please also visit to browse our products, media coverage and view our commercial.


If you have any comment/inquiry about Mi-Products, please do not hesitate to contact:



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