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Patrick Chinamasa


Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs in Zimbabwe, Chinamasa is a leading member of the ruling party ZANU-PF.

More by user: lingabire
Created: 24th Jun 2008
Modified: 24th Jun 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs
Working primarily in:

Biographical Information
Patrick Chinamasa
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Jan/25/1947
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Zimbabwe
As a ruling member of ZANU-PF, Chinamasa is the Chairman of the Information and Publicity Subcommittee.  In this role he has presided as sponkesman for ZANU-PF since the 2008 presidential and parliamentary election.  During this time he has taken over the responsiblities of the Minster of Information and Publicity Sikhanyiso Ndlovu and ZANU-PF Secretary of Information and Publicity Nathan Shamuyarira.

Outside of ZANU-PF, he is Leader of the Zimbabwean Parliament.  Chinamasa is also the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.  Since he has taken his post as minister, many judges have resigned and he has been implicated in unscrupulous activity.  In 2002 Zibabwean High Court Judge Fergus Blackie brought successful charges against Chinamasa for a conviction of “scandalising the court.”  He was cleared of these charges in 2006.

Due to his involvement with ZANU-PF he is among many that is not permitted to travel to the United States because the US government feels he has worked to undermine democracy in Zimbabwe.


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