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Ahmed Mohamed ag Hamani


Ahmed Mohamed ag Hamani (born 1942) was the Prime Minister of Mali from 2002 until 2004.

More by user: miba
Created: 23rd Jun 2008
Modified: 23rd Jun 2008
Professional Information
Premier Ministre
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
Hamani became a technical advisor to the Minister of the Plan in 1975 before entering the government on January 7, 1978 as Minister for the Supervision of Companies and State Enterprises. He then became Minister of Information and Telecommunications in the government named on June 28, 1979 and Minister of the Plan in the government named on August 2, 1980; in the latter position, he became the second ranking person in the government after Moussa Traoré, who was President and Minister of Defense. He subsequently became Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture on December 31, 1984 and then Minister of Transport and Public Works on June 6, 1986. He left the government on January 20, 1987 and became High Commissioner of the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River, in which post he remained until 1992. In 1993, he was named Ambassador to Morocco by President Alpha Oumar Konaré; after six years in that post, he became Ambassador to Belgium, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg, and the European Union.

He served there until he was named Prime Minister by Amadou Toumani Touré on June 9, 2002, after Touré took office following his victory in that year's presidential election, and his government was named on June 14. His initial appointment was regarded as being on a temporary basis extending through the period of the July 2002 parliamentary election. After the election, he was reappointed on October 12, 2002, with a new government being named on October 16. At Touré's request, he submitted his government's resignation on April 28, 2004, and Ousmane Issoufi Maïga was appointed as Prime Minister on April 29.
Biographical Information
Ahmed Mohamed ag Hamani
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Interests: Politique, Art, Sport
Place of Origin: Mali
Hamani was born in Goundam.

More People

Mali, United States
Mali, Government
Mali, Music
Sport, Mali