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Gavin Rajah

South Africa

Gavin Rajah as a brand is synonymous with discerning style, and is a household name in South Africa who is making waves internationally. Founding member of the Cape Town Fashion Week in 2000 and 2006 he launched POSITIVE, an event geared towards raising funds for children with HIV/AIDS in South Africa.

More by user: lebo
Created: 22nd Apr 2008
Modified: 6th Dec 2010
Professional Information
Gavin Rajah Atelier
Managing Director

Description of Work:

Collaboration with micro-economic projects specialising in traditional skills and crafts are Gavin’s passion and he is constantly seeking ways in which to promote this and his country to the rest of the world.

His interests range from socio-political theory, semiotics, literature, and music to esoteric psychology. He has designed jewellery collections for The Tanzanite Foundation and De Beers. He has featured as a designer/judge in America's Top Model by Tyra Banks in the US and in Jodie Kidd's reality TV programme Fashion Avenue in the UK.

He is the only African to speak at the Global Fashion Conference in Milan last year and his paper "Creating an Identity in Fashion: Fashion's Future?" on fashion in South Africa made headlines in the Wall Street Journal and Milano Finanza.

2007 followed with the launch of a range of fine jewellery with Rosy Blue (Belgium) and Nagahori (Japan), the world's largest suppliers of cut and polished diamonds at his Spring/Summer Couture range at Paris Fashion Week in January.

His work is fluid, ultra feminine and most of all has dramatic silhouette. Gavin uses draping extensively in his work and favours bias cut garments with interesting lines.

His work is unashamedly opulent and he remains enamoured with luxurious fabrics and finishes. The Rajah woman is not a wallflower but a confident and assertive woman who exudes her femininity with astute grace. Most of all she loves to exceed expectation...


Gavin Rajah Atelier
59 Long Street
Cape Town, 8001

Show room
302 The studios
112 Buitengracht street
Cape Town , 8001

Gavin Rajah boutique
Cavendish Square
Claremont , Cape Town


Biographical Information
Gavin Rajah
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Interests: Fashion Designing, Literature, Classical Music, Piano, Theatre, Travel and Design, Member of the Moet & Chandon Table since 20004.
  Studio 5th Floor
  38 Hout Street
  City: Cape Town
Tel: 021 424 7842
Website: http://www.gav...
Place of Origin: South Africa

In 2006 Gavin Rajah launched POSITIVE, an event geared towards raising funds for children with HIV/AIDS in South Africa.

POSITIVE was the first Pan-African collaboration featuring designers, artists and musicians in one singular performance headlined by international artist Seal (

Gavin is passionate about working for charity and also staged events for breast cancer research and HIV/AIDS. He has recently been named one of the top 50 people in South Africa in fashion.

Gavin has also donated commissioned pieces for Sir Elton John's "White Tie & Tiara' Ball", to raise funds for the Elton John Aids Foundation. Gavin's core focus for 2006/7 is raising funds by using his talent and visibility for children afflicted with HIV/AIDS.

He has been made a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF by the United Nations. He is passionate about empowering South African men and women who are destitute and unemployed by teaching them traditional skills such as beading, embroidery, jewellery component manufacture and tailoring.

Other Community and Voluntary Activities include:

  • Patron of Charity Ball, UNICEF, Cape Town in 2006
  • Host of Pediatric HIV Foundation, Cape Town, since 2006
  • Patron of the Air Mercy Service, Cape Town in 2005

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