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James Alix Michel


James Alix Michel was born on August 18th 1944, in Fraserwood - Manitoba Canada. Retired Colonel James Alix Michel, has been the president of the Seychelles since April 14th, 2004.

More by user: njerisc
Created: 14th Apr 2008
Modified: 14th Apr 2008
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    James Alix Michel was born on August 18th 1944, in Fraserwood - Manitoba Canada. Retired Colonel James Alix Michel, has been the President of the Seychelles since April 14th, 2004. Michel was the vice president to his predecessor France-Albert Rene for eight years prior to his election. Michel was began his career as a teacher and later joined a political party led by France Albert-Rene before independence in 1976. Michel was a part of Rene's political party when a coup was staged against the the countries first President, James Mancham. During the one-party socialist-dictatorship from 1977-1993 Michel held key ruling party and ministerial portfolios.

    During President Mancham's rule Michel was the head of the Seychellios economy. In these 25 years the Seychelles experienced an economic boom based on tourism and fishing. The progress made during this period of rapid economic growth has been threatened as a result of an accumulated budget deficit. President Michel has been criticized for playing a role in the Seychelles slow transition in to a democracy. This transition began in 1993. Michel is also criticized for some of Seychelles current issues which involve limited freedom and alleged rigged elections. According to official results President Rene and his Seychelles People's Progressive Front party won presidential and legislative elections in 2001 and 2002. According to the official results both elections were won with President Rene and the Seychelles People's Progressive Front party earning about 54% of the vote.

    President Michel won the July 2006 elections with 53.7% of the vote Michel was sworn in for his new term on August 1st, 2006.

Biographical Information
James Alix Michel
(At a Glance)
Place of Origin: Seychelles

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