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Chairman: African Diamond Council (ADC) / Chairman: African Diamond Producers Association (ADPA) / Executive Chairman: JFPI Corporation

More by user: ADPA
Created: 24th Apr 2008
Modified: 24th Apr 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
African Diamond Council (ADC) & African Diamond Producers Assocation (ADPA)
Founder and Chairman
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
The African Diamond Council (ADC) is the supreme governing body for diamond producing countries in Africa. The African Diamond Producers Association (ADPA) is the intergovernmental and legeislative branch of the ADC.
Biographical Information
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Interests: In November 2006, Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos backed his initiative to declare the African Diamond Producers Association.
  Conselho Africano de Diamante / Associação dos Países Africanos Produtores de Diamantes
  Rua Anibal de Melo - n° 111A - (Villa Alice)
  City: Luanda, ANGOLA
Tel: +244 925 551 889
Website: http://www.afr...
Place of Origin: France

In 1982,  Dr. André Action Diakité Jackson (or M'zée Fula-Ngenge [mu:zi] [fu:la] [en:gen:gei] as he commonly is referred to) launched JFPI Corporation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire or Congo-Kinshasa).

Under his direction, JFPI became Africa's largest holding, proprietary and economic empowerment company within 4 years.

M'zée is the world's first Diamantaire of African descent and his appointment as Chairman of both, the African Diamond Council (ADC) and its intergovernmental branch, the African Diamond Producers Association (ADPA), has earned him the top position as Africa's highest ranking diamond official.

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Cote d'Ivoire, France, Soccer
Administration, Lesotho
Soccer, Angola