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Dr. Amos Sawyer


Dr. Sawyer is one of Liberia's long standing politicians that is respected for his political opinions. He headed one of the country's interim governments during the 90s

More by user: bfofana
Created: 7th Mar 2008
Modified: 7th Mar 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Government of Liberia
Chairman of the Good Governnance Commission
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
Dr. Sawyer has been one of Liberia's long standing active politicians. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the Northwestern University. He lately served as Associate Director and Research Scholar, workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis in the Department of Political Science at Indiana University in Bloomington, USA.

Dr, Sawyer was once a professor of political science at the University of Liberia before moving on to become Interim president in 1990.

Currently, he heads the Commission on Good Governance in Liberia. Appointed by President Sirleaf.

Biographical Information
Dr. Amos Sawyer
(At a Glance)
Interests: Politics
  City: Monrovia
Place of Origin: Liberia

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South Africa, Administration
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Foreign Service/Diplomacy, Liberia, United States
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