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Sheyi Emmanuel Adebayor

United Kingdom

The BBC Footballer of the Year for 2008 is today very well known as one of Africa's best players. As a striker for Arsenal and Togo, he has reached a new step on his carrier as a giant of African football.

More by user: agoloko
Created: 28th Feb 2008
Modified: 8th Jul 2008
Professional Information
Arsenal FC / Squirrels of Togo
Working primarily in:
United Kingdom

Description of Work:
Sheyi Adebayoris was born in Lomé, Togo. His role-model is the tall Nigerian player Nwanko Kanu. He has already earned a sterling reputation for his intricate approach to play and was the main actor of the Togo national team's qualification during the last world cup 2006 in Germany, where he scored 11 goals. Currently he plays for Arsenal.
Biographical Information
Sheyi Emmanuel Adebayor
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Feb/4/1984
Gender: male
Interests: Soccer, Music and Togo development
  City: London
Place of Origin: Togo

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