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Cameroon : Cameroon: Politics And Society In Critical Perspectives (2003)
Cameroon: Politics And Society In Critical Perspectives (2003)

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Created: 29th May 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
Jean-Germain Gros
University Press of America

Cameroon: Politics and Society in Critical Perspectives (2003) (Non-Fiction)
Edited by Jean-Germain Gros
University Press of America


By its geography and diversity, Cameroon has been called "Africa's Crossroads." Without a doubt, the vibrancy of Cameroon society and the richness of its culture attest to the merit of the moniker. Less remarkable has been Cameroon's attempt to democratize its political system and develop its relatively well-endowed economy for the benefit for all Cameroonians. Indeed, the persistence of autocratic rule in the face of popular demand for political change and government mismanagement of the economy--not to mention the country's delicate balance between Anglophone and Francophone regions--raise serious concerns about the future of a Cameroon at peace with itself and neighbors. There is even a nascent, pro-secession movement. Pulling together a group of Cameroon experts and Africanists, this book is a critical, comprehensive assessment of post-colonial Cameroon's struggle at nation-building, governance, democracy and economic development in a multiethnic state and society in which even "non-political" issues (e.g., football or soccer and popular music) are politicized.

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University, Cameroon, South Africa