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myAfrica is a part of, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. People listings on myAfrica are a comprehensive directory of Africans and Africa-engaged people. Use this resource to find people by any criteria.

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81 to 90 of 1511

Ahmed Sa?ad is a Libyan soccer personel.
Ahmed Saad Soleiman Osman is a Libyan International Football player
Renowned expert on leadership and the state in Somalia and an advocate for greater international awareness in undergraduate education.
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Ahmed Shafiq is a candidate for the presidency of Egypt. He was a senior commander in the Egyptian Air Force...
Long standing Guinean political figure was appointed prime minister in May 2008.
Ahmed Zuway is a Libyan International Football player
Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Somalia
Aim? C?saire was a Martinican poet, humanist and political figure who co-founded the movement of Negritude, along with fellow Martinican...
Akere T. Muna is founder and former president of Transparency International Cameroon. He is also Vice-Chair on the Transparency International...