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Ahmed Tidiane Souaré


Long standing Guinean political figure was appointed prime minister in May 2008.

More by user: esmith
Created: 23rd Jun 2008
Modified: 24th Jun 2008
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On May 20, 2008 President Lansana Conté read a decree on state television which dismissed Kouyaté's accusations and appointed Souaré to replace him as Prime Minister. Souaré's appointment was viewed as strengthening Conté's position because they had a close relationship in contrast to the difficult one with Kouyaté. The day after his appointment Souaré spoke at a news conference from his home. Souaré said that he intended to continue with the changes initiated by Kouyanté. He also stated that he had hopes to restore authority to the state in disarray. He expressed surprise at his appointment and emphasized the need to reinforce unity and restore people's confidence in the government of Guinea. Many were surprised and displeased by Souaré's appointment. He was thought incompentent for the job and at risk of compromising the countries relations with International Financial Instiutions. Among the displeased was Ibrahima Fofana, the leader of the United Trade Union of Guinean Workers who on May 22, 2008 described Souaré's appointment as, "a flagrent violation of the February 2007 agreement that led to an end of a general strike and the appointment of Kouyaté. While speaking at the ceramony of his installation as Prime Minister Souaré said that he would, "undertake large structural reforms, which will take into account the great changes within our society and the world, but also the aspirations of the Guinean people." On May 26, 2008 almost immediately after his appointment violence erupted among soliders who demanded payment of wage arrears. In response to the unrest Souaré spoke on television and stated that the government promised to pay the soliders and meet most of the demands. Despite his assurance violence continued and escalated on May 28, 2008. Soliders began looting Conkary and opening fire in the air. When the soliders started to receive thier pay two days later the violence ceased. On May 28, 2008 Souaré met with representatives of both the majority and opposition parties to discuss the formation of a national unity government. Souaré's government was appointed by Conté on June 19, 2008. While the government is dominated by Conté's party it also includes three opposition parties. The Rally of Guinean People was not included because they did not believe positive change is possible as long as Conté is in power regardless of who was Prime Minister.


Biographical Information
Ahmed Tidiane Souaré
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Guinea
1989-1990: Souaré was a member of the monitoring committee that worked for the implementation of economic, financial and administrative reforms.

1990-1994: Souaré became the coordinator of the office for monitoring, evaluation and control bureau. At that time he was also president of the committee for the importation of petroleum products. Souré worked as the rapporteur of the state commission for the liquidation of the ONAH-ASP and as vice president of the technical committee for the reevaluation of state assets.

1994-1996: Souare worked as Chief of Cabinet of the Ministry of Economic and Financial controls and the president of the Govenment's Committee for Economic and Financial coordination.

From 1996-1997: Souaré worked in the Prime Ministers office as the cheif of cabinet of the delegate minister in charge of the budget and the parastatal sector restructuration.

1997-1998: Souré worked as Chief of cabinet of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

In January 2002 Souaré was appointed as Inspector-General of Finances and remained in this position until 2005.

On March 8, 2005 Souaré was appointed to the government as Minister of Mines and Geology.

On May 29, 2006 Souaré was moved to the post of Minister of State for Higher Education and Scientific Research. He served at that post until March 2007 when an entirely new government was appointed under Prime Minister Lansana Kouyaté.

In an audit by Kouyaté of the governments financial management in the previous ten years Souaré was among the names included in a list of officials considered to be associated with the mismanagement of resources.

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Guinea, France, Sport
Guinea, Government
Guinea, Government