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Historical, Kenya
A vast complex of houses, tombs and mosques, the Gede ruins are nestled deep in the forest near the Kenyan...
Wildlife, Congo-Brazzaville
Odzala is home to a large population of lowland gorillas, moneys, hyenas, giant forest hog, elephants and a variety of...
Shopping, Sudan
Founded by the Mahdi in the 1880s, the city of Omdurman is a traditional Muslim city and home to one...
Historical, Sudan
The ruins of this royal cemetery tell the history of the end of the reign of Meroe's pharaohs who ruled...
Park, Namibia
Cayenne-colored sands and the endless blue Namibian sky over Sossousvlei have hypnotized visitors to this southern African country. Tours take...
Park, Namibia
Camp, walk, hike or swim in the bubbling hot springs of one of the world's largest canyons. The canyon itself...
Spiritual, Wildlife, Nigeria
On the outskirts of Oshogbo lies the Sacred Forest, a large area of rainforest and a Shrine to Oshuno, the...
Wildlife, Kenya
This infamous park is home to large prides of lions and many visitors report spotting them on the hunt. Cheetas...
Shopping, Congo-Brazzaville
At Brazzaville's Marche Total, explore the food stalls boasting fresh peanut butter, cassava or the more out-of-the-ordinary flavors of caterpillars...
Cape Verde, Wildlife
Surrounded by a low sea-shelf, Boa island offers a variety of marine life and, due to strong currents and hidden...