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Tawanda Quinton Chikowore P S Quint

South Africa

P S Quint, a South African upcoming musician, mostly focused in song writing and rapping.

More by user: mchironda
Created: 13th Jun 2012
Modified: 24th Mar 2014
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Two Sixes Entertainment (Musician / Partner)
Working primarily in:
South Africa

Description of Work:
  • Recording Artist
  •  Performer
  • Song Writer



Biographical Information
Tawanda Quinton Chikowore P S Quint
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: May/7/1989
Gender: male
  City: Cape Town
Tel: 081 810 4417
Website: http://www.hul...
Place of Origin: South Africa

Rapper, with a Diploma in Information & Technology and also pursuing a BA Arts (UWC) majoring in Psychology and Anthropology.

Focused, his passion and main interest is his music career.

Born to a South African dad and a Zimbabwean mom, life and education has been between the two border sharing countries.

At a young age, he would try to form music groups and write rhymes in his spare time. Of all his childhood friends he spent time with trying out the music  he is the only who pursued the career.

Television was an influence to the young P S Quint as he would try and copy and get ideas from the musical channels such as MTV & Channel 0.

Just over 2 years ago he decided to get deep into music and become a recording artist who produces music for the masses not for his diaries and close friends anymore.

Since he started music as a full time career, he’s been releasing songs and videos on the internet mostly for free and performing live in his home town, Cape Town, as a way of getting publicity and gain popularity.

To date, P S Quint has worked with some of the top artists and producers including Youngsta, Stunner, Leo Large and more and has shared the stage with top artists like Naeto C., Khuli Chana, Blayze, AKA & Da LES as an opening act to many shows.

Currently and recently signed to Two Sixes Entertainment, P S Quint and the record label are working on future projects which will make P S Quint a strong brand in the music industry.


P S Quint has collaborated with some great artists and released more than 20 songs online for free in the past 2 years as a way of gaining popularity and the response from the listeners has been great as he continues to grow as an artist.

He also released 3 singles for sale which will be on his debut EP scheduled for release end 2014. The singles 'Home Town', 'Rainbow Colors' and 'Party Mode' are selling on iTunes, Amazon, Xbox music and are available on many more platforms including Facebook, Soundcloud and Spotify.


Multiple songs written, recorded and mastered then uploaded on the internet for fans to download (for free).

Radio interviews talking about how he stays relevant in a tough industry like music.


P S Quint's presence is felt throughout the internet via his music mostly and occasional P S Quint writes quotes about humanity and shares with his followers, fans, friends and family through social networks. | psquintmusic | P S Quint | @psquintmusic | psquintmusic

Other Accomplishments:

P S Quint's success through talent, ambition and dedication has got him performances, interviews in magazines, radios and TV shows, he continues to be featured in blogs and articles as people want to get to know the artist more.

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