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JUVENAL TURATSINZE is a Development Expert, a Social Entrepreneur and a Business Coach. He is working for the self-development of Africa.

More by user: africadobusiness
Created: 19th Nov 2011
Modified: 20th Nov 2011
Professional Information
Self Employed
Development Consultant, Business Coach

Description of Work:

Working primarily in African countries.

Biographical Information
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Website: http://www.afr...
Place of Origin: Africa

He is currently a Development Consultant in the areas of Local Economic Development, Entreprise Development and Agri-Business.

He is the founder and manager of, a website that provides information and ideas on business opportunities available in African countries, especially in Uganda, Kenya, Ghana, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Liberia.

He is encouraging young Africans to create their own entreprises, start businesses that create jobs and wealth.

He holds a Bachelor Degree in Agricultural and Food Engineering and a Masters degree in Development Studies.

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Equatorial Guinea, Soccer
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Soccer, Zambia
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