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Malam Ibrahim Shekarau

Governor of Kano State and candidate for the presidency in the 2011 elections.

More by user: Eds
Created: 17th Jan 2011
Modified: 18th Mar 2011
Professional Information

Biographical Information
Malam Ibrahim Shekarau
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Nov/5/1955





Executive Governor Kano State





Date of Birth: November 5, 1955

Nationality: NigerianPlace of Birth: Kurmawa Quarters, Kano City

 3. Education





4. Awards received



    * Won the Annual Prizes of the Best – behaved student for 5 years running of Secondary School (1968 – 1972)
    * Received a Medal and Certificate of Merit Award and Life membership of the All Nigeria Conference of Principals of Secondary Schools (ANCOPPS) in April, 1994.
    * Letter of Commendation from Hadejia Zonal Education Office in February, 1982 for producing the best GCE result in Kano State at Government Secondary School, Hadejia as Principal.
    * Letter of Commendation from Ministry of Education in March, 1984 for good performance during the visit of the then Military Governor of Kano State, Air-Commodore Hamza Abdullahi at Government College Birnin Kudu.
    * Letter of Appreciation from the Inspector General of Police Mr. Etim O. Inyang in January, 1985 for good contributions to the activities of Police Community Relation Committee at Birnin Kudu Local Government.
    * Letter of Commendation from Ministry of Education in April, 1986 for collecting the highest revenue in all Schools in Kano State while serving as Principal at Government College, Birnin Kudu.
    * Letter of Commendation from Ministry of Education in October, 1991 for producing modalities of implementing the recommendations of the National Conference on Discipline and Motivation in Schools.
    * Letter of Appreciation from Kano State University Implementation Committee in December, 1991 for good performance on the sub-committee on the University’s Draft Edict.
    * Letter of Commendation from the Honourable Minister of Education, Professor Babatunde Fafunwa in June, 1993 for successfully serving as Leader of all Nigerian Principals for four years (1988 – 1992)
    * Letter of Commendation from Ministry of Education in January, 1993 for chairing and producing comprehensive report on the fire incident at Government Girls Secondary Schools, Shekara
    * Certificate of Honour from Giginyu Community in January, 1994 for contributing to the educational development of the area.
    * Received a Meritorious Service Award from the Nigeria Union of Journalist (NUJ), Kano State Council in December, 1998.
    * Certificate of Honour and Appreciation from the North – West zone of Muslim Corpers Association fo Nigeria (MCAN) in July, 2001.
    * Honourary Fellowship of Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo - 2006.
    * Honourary Fellowship of Federal Polytechnic, Ede – May 2006..
    * Honourary Fellowship of Federal College of Education, Kano 2006.



5. Professional Experience



·         National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Imo State from August, 1977 to August, 1978 (Taught Mathematics at Madonna Boys High School Etiti).·         Taught Mathematics at Government Technical College Wudil, Kano State from August, 1978 to August 1979.·         Senior Master (Academic) at Government Technical College Wudil, Kano State from January to August, 1979·         Principal at Government Day Junior Secondary School Wudil, Kano State from September, 1979 to January 1980.·         Principal at Government Secondary School Hadejia, Kano State from January 1980 to December 1983.·         Principal at Government College Birnin Kudu, Kano State from December 1983 to June 1986·         Principal at Government Secondary School, Gwammaja (I) Kano State, from June, 1986 to March 1988.·         Principal at Rumfa College, Kano State from March, 1988 to December, 1992.·         Deputy Director of Education in-charge of Bichi Zonal Education Area, Kano State, from December, 1992 to August, 1993.·         Director Planning, Research and Statistics, Ministry of Education Headquarters, Kano State from August, 1993 to January, 1994.·         Director General (Permanent Secretary), Ministry of Education and Youth Development, Kano State from January, 1994 to January 1995.·         Director General (Permanent Secretary) Ministry of Water Resources, Rural and Community Development, Kano State, from January, 1995 to January 1997.·         Director General (Permanent Secretary), Ministry of Education (2nd time) from January – May, 1997.·         Permanent Secretary Administration and General Services Directorate, Cabinet Office, Kano State from May, 1997 to February, 2000 ·         Permanent Secretary, Civil Service Commission, Kano State, from February to May, 2000·         Chief Lecturer (Mathematics), Department of Physical Sciences, Kano State College of Art Science and Remedial Studies, Kano: from May 2000 to 1st October, 2001.Retired Voluntarily from the service of Kano State Civil Service from 2nd October, 2001.


6. RESPONSIBILITY HELD AT “ALL NIGERIA CONFERENCE OF PRINCIPALS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL” (ANCOPPS) – A professional association of all secondary schools principals in NIGERIA



i.                     Member from January 1980 to December, 1992 (exactly 13 full years)ii.                    Kano State Acting Assistant Secretary from September, 1981 to April, 1982.iii.                  Kano Secretary General from April, 1982 to November, 1984iv.                  Kano State President from November, 1984 to April, 1985v.                   National Vice President from April, 1985 to April                  National President from April, 1988 to April, 1992 (two terms of office – two years each).vii.                Representative of all Nigerian Principals on the Governing Board of the “Comparative Education Study and Adaptation Centre” (CESAC) of the University of Lagos from April, 1981 to April, 1985   





i.                     Member of the WAEC, Kano State Committee from November, 1984 to March, 1993ii.                    Member of the WAEC National Committee from November, 1987 to March, 1993iii.                  Member of the WAEC National Administrative and Finance Committee from November, 1987 to March, 1991iv.                  Member of the WAEC International Council from March, 1988 to March 1993v.                   Member of the WAEC International Administrative and Finance Committee from March, 1988 to March, 1991vi.                  Member of the WAEC National and International Tender Board from March, 1988 to March, 1991vii.                Member of the WAEC International Examination Committee from March, 1991 to March, 1993       






    * The role of Principal’s Conferences in the Implementation of the new National Policy on Education (July, 1985)


    * Causes and remedies of indiscipline in Schools (November, 1990)


    * Involving Community in administering School in a Local setting (August, 1990)


    * Issues and problems encountered during Teaching Practice (January, 1990)


    * Local Governments and Primary Education in Schools, November, 1994.


    * The place of Guidance and Counseling in Schools, November, 1994.


    *  Muhammancin Ilimin Mata ga Tarbiyar ‘Yayansu, September, 1995


    * Boarding and Deboarding which way forward in education system of Kano State, August, 1995


    * The Teacher: His welfare, motivation and status, May, 1997.


    * Quality Education through continuous supervision, July, 1997


    * The role of Old Boys/Girls Association towards the development of education, December, 1997


    * The role of parents in Educational Development, July 1998.


    * Nasiha Ga Shugabanni, November, 1999


    * Muhimmancin Ilimi da Matakan Tabbatar da Ingancin sa, September, 2000


    * Community Participation in Education; The role of non-Governmental Association, April, 2001


    * Gudunmowar Matasa a Gina Kasa, June, 2001


    * Child Friendly School Initiative (CFSI) in Nigeria: The journey so far and the way forward, July, 2001


    * Tarbiyyar Yara a Makaranta, July, 2001


    * The Girl-Child and Harmful traditional and cultural practices in Nigeria, October, 1994


    * The Socio-Cultural Components of the Schools systems implication for students’ Behaviour, Attitude and Values , January, 2000



9. other activities



 i.                     Member, Mathematical Association of Nigeria (MAN) from August 1975 to date. ii.                    Member, Governing Board, Hudaibiyya Foundation, Kano from January, 1995 to date. iii.                  Chairman Governing Committee of Hudaibiyya Nursery and Islamiyya Primary School, Sharada, Kano from January, 1989 to date  iv.                  Patron Kano State Area Unit of Muslim Student’s Society (MSS) of Nigeria from January, 1990 to date  v.                   Chairman, Kano State Branch of the “Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers (AMSE) from January, 1990 to December, 1994. vi.                  Member, Governing Council of the Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo from September, 1990 to August, 1993. vii.                Member, National Task Force on Text Book Production for Primary and Secondary Schools in Nigeria from September, 1989 to June, 1990 viii.               Member, National Committee on tagging problems in Secondary Schools in Nigeria from January to September, 1990. ix.                  Resource Person at a National Conference/Workshop on Discipline and Motivation in Schools – November, 1990 x.                   Member, International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) from 1991 to date xi.                  Patron, Youth Movement of Nigeria (a non-political Association of Nigerian Youth) Nassarawa Local Government Branch, Kano State from January, 1995 to date. xii.                Chairman, Parent Instructors’ Association (PIA), Nigerian Military School, Zaria from November, 1996 to November, 1998. xiii.               Patron, Muslim Corpers Association of Nigeria (MCAN), Kano State Branch, from 1995 to date. xiv.              Member, Governing Board, National Islamic Centre, Zaria from December, 1997 to date. xv.                Member, National Committee for “Child-Friendly School Initiative” (CISI) – a UNICEF sponsored programme towards improving the standard of Primary Education in Nigeria, from July, 2000 to date  xvi.              Member, Board of Trustees, Inuwar Jama’ar Kano (Kano Forum) from May, 1997 to date xvii.             Member, Implementation Committee, Inuwar Jama’ar Kano (Kano Forum) from May, 1998 to date. xviii.           Member, Board of Trustees, Islamic Development Network of Nigeria from May, 2000 to date               













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