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maxamad weydow

iam soamlai boy who live norway and like to help his people so lets as work with me and all other somali who like to help our people

More by user: deeqdaacad2009
Created: 24th Dec 2010
Modified: 24th Dec 2010
Professional Information
studen and website writer

Description of Work:

wan idin salaamay asxaabta oodhan waa weydow

Biographical Information
maxamad weydow
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Jul/18/1989
Gender: male
  hold down streat oslo norway
  sidas high way steat
  City: oslo``
Tel: +414254415255412
Website: http://www.wey...
Place of Origin: Somalia

wan jeclahay soomalida oo dhan waxaan idin rajeynaa farxad

warta oo hurumar lagu gaaro   qaas ahaan mogdisho waxan ilaah uga bariyaya

nabad waarta oo lagu nagaado


peace nopel prize  & somali natoinal award (2)

Other Accomplishments:

no thanks


ilike hadraawi books and many somali books