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Seif Sharif Hamad

Secretary General of the Civic United Front.

More by user: cumuhumuza
Created: 10th Aug 2010
Modified: 12th Aug 2010
Professional Information

Biographical Information

Sief Sharif Hamad is a Zanzibar politician. 

Hamad completed his B.A. from University of Dar es Salaam. There, he studied Political Science, Public Administration and International Relations.

After earning his degree, Hamad quickly became involved in politics in Zanzibar. Throughout his political career he served as a Member of the Zanzibar Revolutionary Council (1977-1980), Zanzibar Minister of Education and as a founding member of the Zanzibar House of Representatives. Hamad also served briefly in  Tanzania's  Parliament.

Hamad was also affiliated with Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM), Tanzania's ruling party. Under CCM, he served in the Economic and Planning Department and later as Chief Minister.

In 1989, Hamad was expelled from CCM after disputes with party officials. Following his expulsion, he joined with other former CCM members to form the Civic United Front (CUF), an opposition party. 

Hamad currently serves as the Secretary General of CUF.


(Information found on and



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