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Bedeshine Casting Agency
Austin Menzies Moyo Snr

UZ B-Tech Degree graduate, Politician, IT Professional and Publisher.

More by user: austinmoyo
Created: 29th Apr 2010
Modified: 15th Sep 2011
Professional Information
Africa TALK Weekly Newspaper (SA)
Working primarily in:
South Africa

Description of Work:

I am the founder and Publisher of Africa TALK Weekly Newspaper (SA). Africa Talk is South Africa's weekly newspaper, aimed at the Exiled Community of Africa based in South Africa, published by PROVINCIAL MEDIA ECONOMIST. The publication has been formed to encourage dialogue and to network the inhabitants of this rich continent so as to put Xenophobia amongst Africans where it belongs; in the dust bin.

Africa Talk differs from all other publications in circulation because of a number of reasons:
This strategically positioned newspaper has an empowerment measure built into it where R2.00 of the cover price of R5.00 goes to the street seller. 

Africa Talk covers stories from the African Continent and from within the exiled community in South Africa, with a bias towards Development Opportunities, Tourism and Networking.

Africa Talk quenches the thirst and erases the wondering of Africans, home and away,

when it comes to usable updates and pointing to opportunities that they can pick up and use in the process assisting them to make decisions to relocate with a plan of action at hand.


Biographical Information
Austin Menzies Moyo Snr
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Apr/10/1960
Gender: male
  PO Box 4159
  City: Johannesburg, 2000
Tel: +27835127096
Website: http://www.afr...
Place of Origin: Zimbabwe

Political Achievements

Founder Member of the Movement for Democratic Change in Zimbabwe in 1998.

First Chairman for MDC in South Africa at its formation in Sept 1999.

Founding Chairman of the Consultative Council of Zimbabwe in Oct. 1997

Secretary for MDC SA in 2000 to 2004


Chairman for MDC SA External Assembly 2008 to Present.


Founding Managing Editor: Northwest Economist Newspaper - 2006 - 2007


Founding Publisher: Khanyisa Weekly Newspaper (Mpumalanga) - 2007 to Present

Founding Publisher: Africa TALK Weekly Newspaper (SA) - Dec 2009 to Present


Founding Chair: NEPAD Youth Empowerment - 2001.

Director PC Sales Services: 2000 to present.





Other Accomplishments:

Member: Northwest Press Club.



Unsung Heroes (Movie)

Generations (SA Soap Opera)

The Wild (Soap on MNet)

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Media, Music, ...
Zimbabwe, United States, Dance
Zimbabwe, Government
Government, Zimbabwe