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Paul Dubone

As an African American Environmental Professional, I am interested in relocating to Namibia/Botswana and joining/parterning with any organization involved with "Climate Change or Carbon Sequestration"

More by user: p2bone
Created: 12th Jan 2010
Modified: 19th Jan 2010
Professional Information
Business Owner
Independent Environmental Consultant
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
  • 15+ years Independent Environmental Consultant
  • Skillfully managed and developed an active client base
  • Experience negotiating  with regulatory agencies
  • Exceptional Problem solver, driven to succeed with strong interpersonal skills
  • Assumes both authoritative and democratic leadership; able to turn vision into reality
  • Boundless energy, capable of adopting a number of roles simultaneously, swift and agile.
  • A natural entrepreneur
  • Excellent communication skills

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Biographical Information
Paul Dubone
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Aug/4/1954
Gender: male
  City: Los Angeles, Califorfnia USA
Place of Origin: United States

Mr. Dubone has visited Namibia on two seperate ocassions and would like to relocate to the area.  He will bring with him a highly diverse engineering background, educated and certified in the U.S. in many areas of environmental management, climate change, regulatory compliance and analysis.  It is Mr. Dubone's view that Carbon Sequestration projects in the region would have tremendous economic and environmental benefits and are particularly relevant for all of Africa.  He believes the global demand for carbon credits will increase steadily as the first commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol (2008-12) draws near.  Countries are exploring cost-effective measures to reduce carbon emission and carbon sequestration is a viable option.  So little of the global carbon emissions have been generated in Africa yet it is estimated the region will suffer disproportionately the long term effects of global warming. 

Mr. Dubone is detail oriented with strong organization and implementation skills and proven ability to research, analyze and resolve complex issues utilizing advanced techniques and independent judgment.  He believes that carbon credits from carbon sequestration projects represents significant opportunity for economic development in local communities providing increased financial inflows for small scale farmers and landholders.

Mr. Dubone is interested in joining a local organization and working with communities and organizations who may be interested in the emerging economic opportunities available in the international carbon credit market.   


  • B.S. Electrical Engineering, Southern University
  • Engineering Management, UCLA
  • Hazardous Materials Management, WLA/CSTI
  • FastTrac II Entrepreneurial Program, University of Southern California (USC)
  • California EPA Registered Environmental Assessor (REA)



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