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Tegegnework Gettu

Director of the United Nations Development Programme's Regional Bureau for Africa.

More by user: Eds
Created: 2nd Dec 2009
Modified: 2nd Dec 2009
Professional Information

Biographical Information
Tegegnework Gettu
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Ethiopia

Mr.  Gettu is Assistant Secretary-General, Assistant Administrator and Director, Regional Bureau for Africa, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).


His diverse career spans UNDP, academia, government and the private sector.

He served as Chief of Staff and Director of UNDP’s Executive Office (2006-2009); from 2003 until 2006, he was the UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative in Nigeria. Prior to 2003, Mr. Gettu was the Country Director for Southern Africa and Indian Ocean countries and Acting Resident Representative in Liberia and Sierra Leone.

During his accomplished academic career, he was a fellow to Columbia University; Assistant Professor and Lecturer at the University of Rochester in New York, Hunter College and Addis Ababa University. He also worked in Ethiopia’s Ministry of Planning and Economic Development and the private sector.

Mr. Gettu has been in his current position since February 2009.

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