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Lloyd O. Pierson

United States

Lloyd O. Pierson, President, U.S. African Development Foundation

More by user: fwitcher
Created: 3rd Aug 2009
Modified: 4th Aug 2009
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Biographical Information

Lloyd O. Pierson has been a Presidential Appointee named by three Presidents; in his previous position, he was nominated by the President and confirmed by the United States Senate as the Assistant Administrator for Africa at

Prior to that, he was Chief of Staff/Chief of Operations for the Peace Corps and during a transition period served as the Acting Director of the Peace Corps. He has been Peace Corps Country Director in Ghana, Botswana, Namibia and Swaziland, and was co-negotiator for the Peace Corps agreement allowing volunteers to enter Zimbabwe.

Mr. Pierson has been Director of the Africa Bureau at the International Republican Institute and has worked as the International Policy Advisor for the Save Darfur Coalition, a large NGO working to end the violence in Darfur, Sudan. He has testified before Congress on multiple occasions, including hearings on Angola, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Sudan, Liberia, and Africa regional organizations.


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