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Adélcia Barreto Pires

Cape Verde

First Lady of Cape Verde

More by user: aismail
Created: 22nd Apr 2009
Modified: 22nd Apr 2009
Professional Information

Biographical Information
Adélcia Barreto Pires
(At a Glance)
Gender: female

Her Excellency Mrs. Adélcia Barreto Pires has been First Lady of Cape Verde since her husband President Pedro Pires took office in March 2001. She is an active advocate of children’s causes. She is the founder and president of the Fundação Infancia Feliz (Foundation for Happy Children), a humanitarian organization that serves the needs of underprivileged children in Cape Verde. The Foundation supports education and health activities, as well as activities that fight against poverty and exclusion among children.


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Cape Verde, United States, Sport
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